オープンスタンダードで変わる世界 ~ソフトウェアによるイノベーション~

藤岡 良樹
卒業以来 一貫してコンピュータ及び関連機器・ソフトウェアの技術、営業、マーケティング業務に従事。
CTCでは 50社を超える製品メーカ各社との取引窓口責任者として製品販売ビジネスの屋台骨を背負った。
特にクラウド技術はOSSが先行している領域でもあり、高機能、高品質なソフトウェアが次々とリリース されています。今回は、クラウド環境に最適化されたアプリケーションの概念と、オープン技術を用いて 作られる次世代インフラ基盤を中心に説明させて頂きます。

Open Network OS (ONOS): SDN OS Platform for Service Provider Networks

Guru Parulkar
Guru Parulkar is Executive Director of Open Networking Lab and a consulting professor of electrical engineering and the executive director of the Open Network Research Center (ONRC) at Stanford University. He is also the executive director and event chair of the Open Networking Summit. From 2007 to 2012, he was the execuitve director of the Clean Slate Internet Design Program at Stanford, whose mission was “to explore what kind of Internet we would design if we were to start with a clean slate and 20-30 years of hindsight.” Clean Slate led to OpenFlow and SDN among other interesting research results.
Open Networking Lab (ON.Lab) has been developing ONOS (http://onosproject.org/) as an open source SDN OS for service provider networks. The current partners include AT&T, NTT Communications, Ciena, Fujitsu, Ericsson, Huawei, Intel, NEC, Internet2, cnit, CREAT-NET, and others.

ONOS has been developed to (1) bring web style agility to service provider networks so they can create and deploy new revenue generating services; (2) help service providers migrate their networks to white boxes to fundamentally change the capex paradigm of the networks; and (3) offer carrier grade features such as scalability, high availability, and performance. ON.Lab has also been developing a few use cases with service provider and vendor partners. These include SDN control of Packet-Optical networks, NFV as a Service for a central office, SDN-IP peering (how to seamlessly connect SDN networks to rest of the Internet) and segment routing (SDN control of MPLS data plane).

In this talk I will provide an overview of ONOS and share our future plans to build an open source community around ONOS.

SDN Evolution: From Paper to POCs and Open Specs to Open Source

Dan Pitt
Open Networking Foundation
Dan Pitt has served as executive director of the Open Networking Foundation since its public launch in March, 2011. In this role he leads a team of several dozen employees and partners and over 2000 member volunteers focused on accelerating the adoption of open SDN. He spent 20 years in technical, managerial, and executive roles at IBM Raleigh and Zurich, HP Labs Palo Alto, Bay Networks, and Nortel Networks; served a five-year term as dean of the school of engineering at Santa Clara University; and advised and ran a number of startup companies in Silicon Valley, Australia, and Canada before coming to ONF. Dan received a B.S. in math from Duke University and an M.S. and Ph.D. in computer science from the University of Illinois.
SDN is rapidly moving into deployment, at least in trials and proofs of concept. Increasingly the first implementations are based on open-source software, in both the forwarding and control planes. Thus the development of paper specifications is giving way to hardware and software realizations for learning and experimentation, with rapid development of open-source software to reflect the experience gained and needs addressed. In this talk we will describe the many aspects of SDN under development and how the key ones are showing up as POCs and open-source code.


2003年UCLA computer science department客員研究員。情報・ナレッジ研究所にて、Software-Defined Networking (SDN), OpenFlow, Network Functions Virtualization (NFV)など のネットワーク技術の研究開発に従事。
現在、第一キャリアサービス事業部に てNFV製品関連の業務に従事。
本講演では、近年注目されているネットワーク機能仮想化(Network Functions Virtualization; NFV)について、ETSI NFV ISGで議論・定義されている内容を 中心に紹-介する。NFVとは、従来専用ハードウエアによって実現されていた様々 なネットワーク機能(ファイヤウオール、NAT、EPCなど)を、汎用サーバ上のソ フトウエアによって実現するものであり、迅速なサービス提供や、需要に応じ た柔軟な資源割り当てによる投資コスト・運用コスト削減などをも目指すものである。
本稿では、まずNFVの登場背景や、そのコンセプト、メリットを紹介 し、通信キャリアを対象としたユースケースを概観する。そして、NFVを実現す る技術要素や、ETSIを中心に関連する標準化動向について紹介する。

The carrier DevOps trend

Alex Henthorn-Iwane
Alex Henthorn-Iwane is Vice-President of Marketing for QualiSystems, the industry's leading DevOps Orchestration and Infrastructure Automation software solution provider and an Okinawa Open Labs member company. Mr. Henthorn-Iwane has a 20 year history of working with carriers by serving in product management, marketing and executive roles at technology innovator companies. He first gained experience with global carriers at early Internet infrastructure pioneer Livingston Enterprises. Since then, Alex has continued working building carrier-oriented network infrastructure, security, policy and network management technologies at Lucent Technologies, CoSine Communications, and Packet Design, and is delighted to present to the Okinawa Open Days community.
Carrier network architectures are being transformed by SDN and NFV. There is a companion transformation from waterfall to agile methodology and DevOps culture. What is DevOps? Why is this transformation important--what is driving this trend?
Where does DevOps "culture" come from? What should DevOps collaboration look like? How does DevOps and cloud infrastructure come together and what does automation have to do with DevOps? How can carriers make a successful DevOps transformation? These are the questions we will consider and attempt to answer in this presentation.


鈴木 孝規
Linux FoundationのCollaborative Projectとして大手ネットワークメーカー を中心に構成されているOpenDaylightプロジェクトのご紹介。
SDNへの期待が高まる中、SDNコントローラや各種APIを独自実装するケースが目立ち、どの技術や製品を利用すれば良いのかわからないというユーザーが増えている。この状況を解決すべくネットワーク業界共通のプラットフォームを作る目的で2013 年4月に立ち上げられたのがOpenDaylightプロジェクト。

Open Network Linux

Rob Sherwood
Big Switch Networks 株式会社
Rob serves as the CTO for Big Switch Networks, where he spends his time internally leading software architecture and externally evangelizing SDN to customers and partners. Rob is an active contributor to open source projects such as Switch Light and Floodlight as well as the Open Compute Project. He was the former Chair of the ONF's Architecture & Framework Working Group as well as vice-chair of the ONF's Testing & Interoperability Working Group. Rob prototyped the first OpenFlow-based network hypervisor, the “FlowVisor”, allowing production and experimental traffic to safely co-exist on the same physical network and is involved in various standards efforts and partner and customer engagements.
Rob holds a PhD in Computer Science from the University of Maryland, College Park.
With the creation of SDN and OpenStack, more and more of the data center infrastructure software stack is moving towards open source. One of the few remaining traditionally closed-source software pieces is the Network Operating System (NOS); that is, the software that runs directly on switch and router hardware. In this talk, I will describe an open source NOS called "Open Network Linux" ("ONL" - http://www.opennetlinux.org) that takes concrete steps towards a fully open-source network software stack. Open Network Linux is a Linux distribution that combines into one package special drivers for switches, support for the Open Network Install Environment, and various packet forwarding agents (supporting OpenFlow and traditional routing protocols). In the talk, I will describe ONL's vision and goals, the included software, and how to use ONL to get started in the Open Networking ecosystem.


長谷川 章博
OpenStack Foundation公認アンバサダー
株式会社ビットアイル ビットアイル総合研究所 所長
Jack Lai (Taiwan)
Jack is advocate of open source in Taiwan since 2000. He has been in the IT industry for the last 10 years, during which time he worked on Server OEM/ODM manufacturer, Software IT Company, and now Cloud computing company ? inwinStack as Project manager. He has extensive experience of various flavors of Linux distribution. He introduce OpenStack to enterprise as OpenStack evangelist 3 years ago. He also hosts OpenStack Taiwan User Group. He can be found on twitter as @macjacktw
Jaesuk Ahn (Korea)
Jaesuk Ahn got a Ph.D. degree at the University of Texas at Austin. has been involved at OpenStack since 2010. At Korea Telecom, he first led a research effort to follow-up various cloud open source software projects including OpenStack. Then, he worked as a project lead to develop kt.FN"s next generation cloud platform based on openstack. Currently, he has just joined a small start-up called “cloud4u” to develop services related to OpenStack cloud. He established OpenStack Korea User Group in early 2011, and has been a very active OpenStack community leader in Korea.
Kavit Munshi (India)
Kavit is the CTO of Aptira and heads Aptira's Indian operations and with 15 years of experience in designing and deploying Enterprise and Telco solutions. Kavit is also the founder of the Indian OpenStack User Group and the OpenStack Ambassador for India.
He has been a key member of teams that have successfully delivered cutting edge solutions to various Australian Telcos and corporations. He has also been the driving force behind several start-ups, helping them develop and innovate novel solutions and products. Kavit specialises in virtualisation and the cloud.
Kavit has also been the driving force behind the Indian OpenStack community and Aptira's involvement with OpenStack. Kavit has helped organise OpenStack events in India and loves to work with professionals and students to drive their involvement with OpenStack.
韓国、インド、台湾のOpenStackスペシャリストを集め 各国のOpenStack動向や抱えている課題などを議論する。